Cloud Based BS Detector Needed to Combat Jewish Space Lasers
I’ve reached that point where “Something oughta be done” this last week when I heard about the Jewish space laser that caused the wildfire storms that California went through a few years back.
This came from Marjorie Taylor Greene, the representative from Georgia elected last election that has made a name for herself for her unflinching support of the former president and of conspiracy theories like those of QAnon, that claim Washington is run by a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles that were supposed to be overthrown and arrested when Trump won the last election.
Oh… In case you don’t know, the date of the mass arrests and executions has been pushed back to March. After the storm of retribution QAnon supporters expected didn’t happen, and they took their conspiracies into more private platforms where they could trade non-facts with other conspiracies the way bacteria and viruses trade bits of DNA with each other to make their variants, believers in this variant of the conspiracy are now saying that, because of some obscure law passed in 1871, the United States stopped being a democracy at that time and became a corporation. This means that citizens are not obliged to obey any law or amendment to the constitution passed since then. And, on March 4th, after the former president marches forth from his golf resort in Florida, the storm they were hoping for in November will take place, resulting in Trump becoming the 19th President of the United States (After Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th and last president before this transformation that the rest of us miss).
I have to admit, as someone who spends a significant portion of his time trying to think up alternate histories to turn into fantasy and science fiction stories, these guys get a lot of mileage out of what they find.
But I digress… I found a tweet that had Rep. Greene’s original Facebook posting. I’ll provide it here so you can look at the source material:
What the gentlewoman from Georgia does is string together a number of relationships between different individuals who were connected to or involved with the fires, efforts to put them out, etc., and then draws a set of baseless conclusions to infer that the fires were caused by lasers (secretly) placed in orbit to concentrate the sun’s energy into energy to beam to Earth. She at least has the good will, if one could call it that, to suggest that the fires themselves were a mistake, a result of using new technology, but that the people who created the lasers got help from the then governor of California, Jerry Brown, that allowed them to escape blame and recoup their losses from the fires. It also, conveniently, cleared the land where former Gov. Brown wanted to run his “pet project” for a high-speed rail line through California. A win-win for those involved.
I am wondering why this gem of a statement wasn’t made public before the election. But then, I unfortunately decide that it probably wouldn’t have made a difference. Because the people that elected her probably hold the same beliefs that Rep. Greene does. That the election was stolen. That Trump was chosen by God to lead this country. That he will return in triumph in the spring to lead the country once more.
Something like a Jewish space laser is a trifling thing in the face of much grander “truths.”
What it makes me want to do is… “Do Something.” Find a way to show just how crazy this thinking is. Find a way to show the “Truth” with a capital “T” in bright, blazing letters, each a mile high, blazing bright in orbit where everyone can see it. Someplace where one can point it out and say, “There! Right There! You see! That’s It!”
Unfortunately… I have no idea how to put mile long letters into orbit. Let alone how to build them and make them burn with such a brilliance, as well as do it with adding to the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Technology has created a situation where the “Truth” can much more easily be obscured and replaced.
No… Wait. That’s not true. What technology has given us is the means by which people can present and disseminate their beliefs, or the myths they want to propagate to like minded fellows, much more rapidly than ever before. The same technology that makes my phone scream with an Amber Alert when some poor child has been abducted in my area can send an alert telling others that the satanic pedophiles have targeted their child and you need to lock yourself in your safe room and load your guns NOW and hold out until March when the 19th President will make everything right. You DID save enough MREs to get to March, right?
It still leaves me with the job of figuring out how to deal with a world where so many people just believe what they want, no matter how far out stupid it seems to me to be. And the tools, processes, and means I learned to use all these years to determine for myself what was right and what was wrong, to tell truth from fiction, or even worse from lies, seem slow and outmoded.
My mom used to tell me when I was growing up that it’s the fact that people will believe what they want that make life a horse race. Ok. I get that. But some people are trying to a mane and a saddle on a dune buggy, call it “Trigger,” and say it’s a horse. And I, we all, need to get better at pointing this out and telling them that just because they say it’s a horse it can’t fit in the starting gate.
I have no answers for this right now. Just the need and the desire to fulfill it. I promise to share any answers I come up with.
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