If you came to my blog from my website, you would have noticed the new logo that I have up. Like the previous one, the rainbowed sailed viking ship, it was designed by my creative partner, William Ruzicka. Along with the new logo, I've cleaned up the index page. The list of news updates is gone. I'll be using this blog from now on to post news and information about my work. In place of the 'What's New' list (which was rarely all that new), I've got the links to this blog, my introduction page and my resume page, showing off my published work and giving you glimpses into other projects in development.
As far as news is concerned, I can report that the effort to turn Gagaku Berceuse, 2007's "Best Horror" story in TokyoPop's Rising Stars of Manga competition, into its own graphic novel is proceeding well. I turned in a story synopsis to my editor just before leaving California, and the email I got back from her was very, very positive. She indicated that she was going to show it to the editorial committee within the next couple of days. I'll let you know what happens.
On a personal note, I'm currently in North Carolina to see my sister get married again. That's her with her very soon husband to be, Daniel, to the right. Even though this added a lot of extra travel headaches for me, coming right before my trip to Japan, I couldn't not accept my sister's invitation to her wedding. I enjoy my family very much. One of the reasons, I'm realizing this weekend, is that my family loves to tell stories. When we get together, the first thing we do is tell stories. New stories, about what we've been doing, what happened on the trip; and older stories, that we've told time and time again. Maybe that's where my desire to write comes from. It's just an extension of what I grew up from.
More coming soon.